4 June 2015

Summer Bucket List

Today I decided to do something a little bit different. I'm writing and posting this bucket list here with the hope that I will do more things if someone else reads my plans and expects me to do them. I don't want another summer of laying in bed all day and watching shows, however nice that seems. So, here are 10 things I plan to do this summer:

1. Get a tan

Which shouldn't be too hard when you live right next to the sea. I have the help of St Tropez too and I never forget sun protection either, because that's the number one thing you need when you go to the beach.

2. Eat healthily

The summer is the best season to do that, just because there's so much variety of fruit and vegetables. I can plan a cheat day let's say twice a month, when I can have pizza or KFC, but nothing beats feeling and looking healthy and glowing.

3. Eat out more

With that being said, there are plenty of good salads to be tried. I want to challenge myself to eat and finish a meal in a restaurant, because my anxiety has been getting better and I can do that now from time to time.

4. Drink 1.5 litres of water every day

Water is one of the most important things you should think about every day, honestly. I buy 750ml bottles and it's easy to keep track that way, because I need exactly two of them every day and I can carry them in my bag, unlike 1.5l bottles. I can't stress enough how much of an impact hydration has on your health and it even improves your skin.

5. Spend more time with my friends

Because they're literally everything. I can't cope with monotony, I need some excitement. Nothing beats a good ice coffee in the shade, watching the sea or shopping in the air-conditioned mall.

6. Draw

Drawing is one of my hobbies and I really want to improve my skills, but I can't if I don't do it regularly. I'm good at portraits and that's what I want to do more of.

7. Cook more often.

I love cooking. I love anything that enables my creativity and cooking is one of those things. It's amazing when people try what you've made and like it. Makes you feel accomplished.

8. Spend less money on make-up

A bit rich coming from me. I really don't need to buy more lip products, seriously, it's getting out of hand. I will only buy the products I need and know I will use this summer.

9. Drive

Why do I have a driving license anyway? I need to stop making excuses and drive more often, because I have a car and I need more experience, which I can gain only through driving more.

10. Stop rushing into relationships. 

I haven't been single for more than like a month and a half in the past few years. That's not healthy. I need to take my time, think for myself and breathe freely. The summer is the perfect time to do that and just have fun.
Mid-way through writing this I realised that there are so many things I want to change and improve in my life and a 10 point list is not long enough, but let's leave it here, because these are the most important for me. 

What do you plan on doing this summer?



  1. ще се опитам да науча основите на някой и друг език, ще се пека на двора и ще чета ^.^
