20 August 2014

Learning To Like Myself

I have had this post saved as a draft for exactly a month, because what I'm going to talk about is an issue I'm still struggling with. I wanted to post it at the right time, when I'm feeling positive enough, because otherwise it would just be very hypocritical of me.

The past few years have been hard regarding my self-confidence. I have changed so much, my weight has fluctuated and I have tried so hard to become a better (looking) version of myself. Now I see the ways in which I was wrong more clearly and have finally started to accept my appearance as it is. Of course, I still don't like some body parts of mine and could use a bit more motivation to work out, but my attitude has changed.

Focusing on your looks, to me, seems very vain and silly, because, as cliche as it may sound, that's not what really matters. There is so much more you can do and so much more energy you can use on enjoying life if you just stop worrying about the way you look. Honestly, nobody cares about your appearance, except for yourself.

For example, a few years back, I couldn't even imagine posting a full body photo of myself online, let alone one in a swimsuit. But today, I have let the fear of judgement go and well, I just don't care.

One little trick I have found is that posting selfies does not make me more self-conscious, in fact it does the opposite - it helps build more confidence and acceptance. It may not be the same for everyone, but if you have the courage, do it. I'm very much pro-selfie :)

In the past, I haven't been very fond of my face either and have used countless products to try and change it or hide imperfections, but these days I rarely wear make-up. 

Uploading a photo of my naked face is another thing I would not have done before, but here I am, seconds ago, quality as low as possible, but in my natural habitat.

The point I am trying to make with this post is that it may take weeks, months, years, but as much as you're fighting against it, you will start to accept yourself. Be proud of who you are and stop worrying so much about the way others think of you, because in most cases, they don't.


  1. Ох, ако пишеш и на български ще е още по-перфектно (не критикувам... давам съвет ;)) Много съгласна с думите ти :)

    1. Исках да пиша блога на английски, за да мога да достигна до повече хора, а и защото познавам доста чужденци. Също на английски ми е по-лесно да се изразявам.

  2. Перфектно те разбирам относно езика. Мисля, че съм изгубила красноречието си на български. Останали са ми основно охкания и варненски лафове :D Радвам се, че не съм само аз.
    Що се отнася до поста - поздравления! Чувството ми е доста познато, а и не само на мен. Мисля, че ще достигнеш до доста хора с този пост.

    1. И аз съм точно така, но напоследък доста българи ми харесаха страницата във facebook и се чудя какво да правя :(
