7 July 2014

Hair Colour History

If you know me, you'd know that I change the colour of my hair quite often. I'm not afraid to take a risk and sometimes it pays off. Other times... well.

Anyway, my natural hair colour is a dark ashy brown as you can see below. (Excuse my 14-year-old self, I didn't know how to take selfies back then)

I first dyed my hair in June 2010 and it was pretty much a disaster. It went bright orange and I had to dye it again the following day. Here's how it looked like.

I was 15, so not really adequate yet.

Then, I got bored with it and wanted to go back to my natural colour, so I dyed it again. This time, it turned out almost black.

Obviously, I still didn't know quite what I was doing.

After that, I think the dye gradually washed out and I cut it pretty short for me. That was around the spring of 2011.

Then, either towards the end of 2011 or in the beginning of 2012, I coloured it with henna for the first time. It turned out dark red, which I loved.

In the summer of 2012, my hair had grown a lot and the orange dye had surfaced (it will never leave me)

It looks different in different lighting. 

I think in the fall of 2012 I had ombre for the first time, but it was nothing spectacular. Also, I had cut it again and the length was not to my taste. I made it ombre again in the spring of 2013.

Obviously, it was very dramatic.

In the summer of 2013, of course, I got tired of it and dyed it some weird light brown colour. I can't remember if I did it myself, but I must have. Looking back at it, I don't really like it.

In September 2013, I wanted to go back to my natural colour, so what do you think I did? At first, it was really dark, almost black, but then it washed out and it was okay. So here's how it looked.

It lasted a very long time (for me), but I changed it in January 2014.

I took a huge risk and got blonde highlights. it actually looked amazing, but they didn't cover my roots.

I dyed it again the following day and I hated it at first, but when I look at it now, I would go back to that colour again.

The last time I dyed it was in April 2014 and again, I wanted to go back to my natural hair colour. I used the same dye I had used in September 2013, because I knew it works for me - Garnier Color Sensation in 4.0

I am planning to dye my hair again, I'm just not certain on a date yet. I want to give my hair a rest for a little while, but I'm not sure I'm gonna go the whole Summer with this hair colour. I will make a post, when it happens. 

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