Showing posts with label лично. Show all posts
Showing posts with label лично. Show all posts
27 December 2018


If you know me, you know that I'm an open book. I don't have anything to hide and I share a lot. Some might even say I overshare. But suffering in silence is still suffering. I have this platform, where I can make people feel better and let them know that they're not alone in what they're going through, so I feel a duty to talk about my problems. Plus, it makes me feel better, too.

Ever since I can remember, my weight has been a touchy topic for me. It has fluctuated a lot throughout my life, even when I was little. I don't remember when exactly I became conscious about it, maybe in my teenage years, as all girls do. During high school, I had a lot of insecurities. It pains me to know that every woman goes through body image issues at some point in her life, and although not everyone goes to extremes like I did, it's not a fact we should settle with.

So today I want to share my story on how I had an eating disorder and how I learned to live with it.

I've always been a very sensitive person, probably more than most. It's easy to knock me down, even though I don't admit it, and it takes time to get back up on my feet. Flashback to 6 years ago, when I was impressionable, a lot more naive (I still only see the good in people, but that's a different blog post) and very much insecure in how I looked. I felt constantly judged and unattractive. I thought the way to feel better about myself was by losing weight and having this "transformation". In my mind, it would suddenly all fall into place.

First of all, I didn't really need to lose weight. But I was set on it and when I have a goal, there's nothing that can stop me. The logical way to lose weight, according to me back then, was by starvation. Actual starvation.

I remember eating just a slice of bread per day.

I remember not drinking water, because it made me bloated.

I remember weighing myself every hour to see if there was any difference.

I remember my father taking away my computer and saying he'd only give it back if I ate.

I remember looking at myself in every mirror and pointing out everything I wanted to change.

That lasted for months. When I was finally "skinny" (even though I didn't feel like I was), I eventually started to like the way I looked a little bit more, and thank God I did, because who knows where I would've ended up otherwise. But why did I have to go through all of that physical and emotional exhaustion, just so I could accept myself?

Flash forward to today, a few weight losses and weight gains later. It was a long process of figuring myself out and accepting that I only have one body and if I don't treat it right, I will basically have nothing.

I've never been perfect, nor will I ever be. But I have over the years gained the confidence I wish I had back then and learned to love my body plus all the stretch marks and cellulite, abs in the morning and looking 5 months pregnant in the evening, crooked nose and chubby fingers.

It's weird because, even though I finally accept myself, I guess subconsciously, when I'm going through a tough time in my life or when I'm anxious, I'm taken back to 6 years ago and I react by not eating. It's like my body is in shock and just can't bring itself to consuming food. My mindset is different though, or at least I try for it to be, and I no longer feel the need to fit into a certain image that is socially accepted to be "ideal" and "beautiful". So when that happens, it's more of a wake up call than a relapse. It's all about seeing the good in every situation.

9 May 2016

21 Things I Learned In 21 Years

Since it was my birthday on Friday and I really love this type of posts, I decided now's the time to write mine. Remember, this is all personal experience and opinions and you don't need to agree with everything.

  1. A new start is always difficult, but things often seem scarier than they are.
  2. Not everyone cares. Most are just curious.
  3. Smiling is free.
  4. So is kindness.
  5. If you do something, give your 100%.
  6. A diet is never healthy. You can stick to a plan, but if you crave something badly, you shouldn't restrict yourself.
  7. Happiness is not a destination, it's a way.
  8. You'll hear different opinions of yourself. They shouldn't form the person you are.
  9. You don't need the validation of anyone else to love yourself.
  10. If you have to force a relationship it's not going to last and it's not worth your energy.
  11. Lying is a sign of weakness and insecurity.
  12. So is making fun of others.
  13. There are going to be days you feel on top of the world and ready to do anything. Take advantage of them.
  14. There are going to be days you can't get out of bed. Don't let them win.
  15. You should never feel guilty for doing something you enjoy.
  16. Drinking water will give you better skin and more energy.
  17. Always admit your mistakes, but never let them become the focus.
  18. Forgiveness will help you let go and move on.
  19. Deleting them on social media helps too.
  20. Listen to what your body is telling you. You only get one.
  21. The best is yet to come.

Тъй като имах рожден ден в петък, а и много харесвам този тип постове, реших, че сега е времето да напиша мой. Помнете, че всичко това са мои преживявания и мнения и не е нужно да сте съгласни с тях.
  1. Началото винаги е трудно, но нещата често изглеждат по-страшни отколкото са.
  2. Не всеки го е грижа. Повечето са просто любопитни.
  3. Усмивките са безплатни.
  4. Както и добротата.
  5. Каквото и да правите, дайте своите 100%.
  6. Диетите не са полезни. Може да се придържате към план, но ако много ви се яде нещо, не бива да се ограничавате.
  7. Щастието не е дестинация, а път.
  8. Ще чувате различни мнения за себе си. Те не трябва да ви определят като човек.
  9. Не е нужна валидацията на когото и да било, за да обичате себе си.
  10. Ако трябва да насилвате връзка, тя няма да продължи дълго и не си заслужава енергията.
  11. Лъжите са знак на слабост и неувереност.
  12. Същото се отнася и за подигравките.
  13. Ще има дни, в които се чувствате на върха и готови да направите всичко. Възползвайте се от тях.
  14. Ще има дни, в които не можете да станете от леглото. Не им се давайте.
  15. Никога не трябва да се чувствате гузни за нещо, което ви носи удоволствие.
  16. Пиенето на вода дава чиста кожа и повече енергия.
  17. Винаги признавайте грешките си, но ги поставяйте на фокус.
  18. Да простите ще ви помогне да продължите напред.
  19. Изтриването от социалните мрежи също помага.
  20. Слушайте какво ви казва тялото. Имате само едно.
  21. Най-доброто предстои.